PowerShell and Windows Forms

I’ve been getting questions about how to use PowerShell and windows forms for a while from different customers and friends, so I’ve decided to write a series of posts covering the basics and show what you can do with this.

So in this post I will show you the basics on how to create a form and add two buttons to it and some text. (Complete code at the end) Continue reading

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Remove characters from file names with PowerShell

As we all know, OneDrive does not accept files or folders containing certain characters, so here is a short guide on how to remove characters from file names with PowerShell.

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Find files modified after a certain date with PowerShell

This will be a short post on how to find files modified after a certain date with PowerShell, something that might come in handy when working with scripts that copies files.  Continue reading

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Open a webpage from PowerShell

The day might come when you need to open a webpage from PowerShell. It might be when a user clicks on a link in a graphical UI you’ve created or when a task has been completed in one of your scripts.

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Download a file with PowerShell

Sometimes you might need to download a file with PowerShell from a FTP-server or from a website. For instance, you might need a file from HR that contains new users that should be created in the local Active Directory. In this post I will show you the easiest way to do this and in a later one I will show you a more advanced way, but with more possibilities.

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PowerShell Variables

Variables in PowerShell is used in almost every script, if not all of them. Variables allows us to save information that we can use later on in our script.

To save a value in a variable, we simply type:

1$Number = 32

Then, when we type $Number in PowerShell, the following will be shown.



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PowerShell Guides

For a long time I was writing all my scripts in VB, something that at the time was powerful, and still is in certain areas. Long after PowerShell was introduced I still wrote most of my scripts in VB, thinking it was easier and I din’t really have the time to learn something new at the time.

But a few years ago, in 2008, I started to see the benefit of using PowerShell instead for almost all of my scripts and today when I see an old VB-Script I just want to rewrite it to PowerShell!

A lot of my friends still think that PowerShell is hard to learn, it just looks complicated and the question “Why do I need it?” is more or less always asked. So today I’ve decided that I will start to write more practical PowerShell guides that not only tells how to do it, but also shows the potential of PowerShell.

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Install Silverlight silently

Another application that is common in almost all environments is Silverlight, so in this post I will show you how to install Silverlight silently in three ways.

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Create a MST file for Adobe Reader

In this post I will show you how to create a MST file for Adobe Reader, another application that almost every single company use. For this application though, using ORCA isn’t the best way. It’s still possible, but you will see why it’s not recommended. Continue reading

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Create a MST-file for Java

In this post I will show you how to create a MST-file for Java that can be used when deploying the application through SCCM or similar products.

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