Integrating App/V 5.0 with SCCM has many advantages, one of the bigger being able to remove one server from your environment and another is to keep better track of your applications. All of sudden, you are no longer required to keep track of and manage two different systems. In this guide I will show you what is needed to deploy the App/V client to your computers, preparing them for running applications.
On the client side, there are two requirements. These are dotNet 4.0 and PowerShell 3.0, which can be found in Windows Management Framework. If your computers are running Windows 8 and above, PowerShell 3.0 is already installed and running. dotNet 4 needs to be installed though so let us start with creating the application for this. The file needed can be downloaded from here:
Create a new application, adding /q and /norestart to the installation program and /uninstall to the uninstall program.
For detection method, one way is to check the registry.
When done, do not forget to distribute the content to your distribution points!
Next up is to create an application for Windows Management Framework 3.0, where PowerShell 3.0 is included. In the same way as for dotNet 4, create a scripted installer with C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe “Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu” /quite /norestart for installation command and C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe /uninstall “Windows6.1-KB2506143-x64.msu” for uninstall command.
For detection method, use the following script, it will check if the client is running Windows 8 or Server 2012 and if it does it will return the value True.
$osresult = $null
$os = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Name
if ($os -like “*Windows 8*”) {$osresult = “True”}
if ($os -like “*Server 2012*”) {$osresult = “True”}
$hfchk = Get-WmiObject -Query “select HotFixID from Win32_QuickFixEngineering where HotFixID like ‘KB2506143′” | foreach-object{Write-Host $_.HotfixID}
Next we need to add one requirement, that this application is only to be run on the x64 version of Windows 7 and Server 2008, so go to the requirements tab and add the condition. (PowerShell 3.0 is allready present on Windows 8 and Server 2012)
If you have clients that run the 32-bit version of Windows 7, you will also need to create an application for this.
The next step, and last step, is to create the package for the App-V client. Even though you are able to extract the different msi-files from the wrapper, it is not recommended. Sure it is quicker to create a new application using a msi-file, but this wrapper will check and install other things as well, for example the correct version of C++ redist and verify other pre-requirements. So to save yourself from massive headache, use the provided exe-file from the MDOP ISO.
You still need the msi-file though to get the product-ID for detection method.
Next, create one deployment for each architecture. One for 32-bit and one for 64-bit OS. This will help you keep track of how many different computers are running the application and it has some other advantages as well. Below I have created the installer for x64.
For installation program use “appv_client_setup.exe” /q /ACCEPTEULA /norestart and for uninstall “appv_client_setup.exe” /uninstall
Then under Dependencies add the applications for dotNet 4 and WMF 3.0
If you open up the relationships for the App-V client, it should be similar to this.
(I’m only using x64 clients)
Now you should be able to deploy the App-V client to all of your computers or users!
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